We have been having many days of nasty cold rainy weather, which I suppose is typical for this time of year. It sure is making it difficult to get things done. However, when the weather permits, Steve has been busy working on a fancy fence for a fellow down the road.

Meanwhile, planning is underway for the season to come. Our kitchen table is groaning under the weight of all the seed catalogs. Now, we do have our favorite companies, such as Baker Creek. They are fiercely committed to providing GMO free seeds, to the extent that they started testing their sweet corn this year, in order to provide pure stock, only. Recently, a study has uncovered that the cause of CCD in bees may in fact be Bt corn!
However, they make the darn catalogs so attractive, one can't help but take a look through them all, and there are so many tempting varieties. Orange pimientos, striped marigolds, beautiful shiny beans, spotted, speckled, swirled. I tell you, it is difficult to focus!
Siggh..of happiness.
I always get such a lift from visiting your site and hearing about your farm.
The photo of the Lichens. Fantastic!
Ha...My word verification for this post was "resed". I think they meant to say RESEED??!!
Dawn-thank you for the words of encouragement. After all this foul weather, though, I am ready to shuck off my muck boots and take off for somewhere tropical, myself!
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